Chapter 6 Panel data

  • \(\{Y_{it},D_{it},X_{it}\}\)が観察できるデータを想定する

    • \(i:\)回答者、\(t:\)回答時点

6.1 パッケージ

library(did) # weighted two-way fixed effect

6.2 Data

  • AERパッケージに含まれるパネルデータPSID7682を利用

    • 595名の回答者について、1976年から1983年までの7期間パネルデータ

data <-
  PSID7682 |> 
  group_by(id) |> 
  mutate(period = as.numeric(year), # yearを連続変数化
         treatment.time = if_else(married == "yes",
         treatment.time = min(treatment.time)
         ) |>  # 結婚したperiodを作成(結婚しなかったサンプル = 9999)

6.3 識別: Pallarel trend in the two-by-two case

  • 2時点・2グループデータ

    • トリートメントグループ: 2期目に介入を受ける

    • コントロールグループ: 両期間ともに介入を受けない

  • Pallalel trendの仮定 \(E[Y_{2i}(0)-Y_{1i}(0)|i\in Treatment]-E[Y_{2i}(0)-Y_{1i}(0)|i\in Control]\)

  • 差の差の推定量を推定

\[E[Y_{i2}|i\in Treatment]-E[Y_{i1}|i \in Treatment]\]

\[-(E[Y_{i2}|i\in Control]-E[Y_{i1}|i \in Control])\]

\[= E[Y_{i2}(1) - Y_{i2}(0)|i \in Treatment]\]

6.4 推定: Two-way fixed effect model

  • Two-way fixed effect model

\[E[Y_{it}|D_{it}=d,f_{i},f_{t}]=\beta_\tau\times d + f_i + f_t\]

  • Two-by-two dataのもとでは、差の差の推定と同値

  • Two-by-two dataの整備

df <-
  data |> 
  filter(period <= 2) |> # 1,2期目データ
  filter(treatment.time == 999 | 
           treatment.time == 2) |> # トリートメント/コントロールグループ 
  mutate(D = if_else(period >= treatment.time,
         ) # 介入後ダミー
  • Two-way fixed effectの推定
lm_robust(weeks ~ 
            D +
          data = df,
          clusters = id,
          fixed_effects = id)
##                  Estimate Std. Error    t value  Pr(>|t|)   CI Lower CI Upper
## D               -1.066667  1.2271177 -0.8692456 0.4713004 -6.0381262 3.904793
## factor(period)2  1.400000  0.8532526  1.6407803 0.1043726 -0.2953947 3.095395
##                        DF
## D                2.135502
## factor(period)2 89.000000

6.5 推定:Weighted two-way fixed effect model

  • 2期間以上のデータにおいて、parallel trendの仮定に基づいて因果効果を推定する手法

  • ここでは Callaway and Sant’Anna (2020) を紹介

  • データ整備

df <-
  data |> 
  filter(treatment.time != 1) |> 
  mutate(id = as.numeric(id),
         treatment.time = if_else(treatment.time == 999,
  • 推計
fit <-
  att_gt(yname = "weeks",
         tname = "period",
         idname = "id",
         gname = "treatment.time",
         data = df,
         control_group = 999)

## Call:
## att_gt(yname = "weeks", tname = "period", idname = "id", gname = "treatment.time", 
##     data = df, control_group = 999)
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
## Group-Time Average Treatment Effects:
##  Group Time ATT(g,t) Std. Error [95% Simult.  Conf. Band]  
##      2    2  -0.9412     1.1090       -3.8502      1.9678  
##      2    3  -2.5455     2.4102       -8.8679      3.7769  
##      2    4  -8.8526     7.6182      -28.8366     11.1314  
##      2    5  -8.2151     9.1243      -32.1498     15.7197  
##      2    6  -1.5055     1.2416       -4.7623      1.7514  
##      2    7  -2.2556     1.9195       -7.2908      2.7797  
##      3    2  -2.3434     0.9547       -4.8477      0.1608  
##      3    3   1.7980     0.7098       -0.0639      3.6598  
##      3    4   0.7228     1.3343       -2.7773      4.2229  
##      3    5   1.0538     0.8148       -1.0835      3.1910  
##      3    6   0.2125     1.2731       -3.1271      3.5520  
##      3    7   1.8111     1.7658       -2.8208      6.4430  
##      4    2   2.5765     5.1357      -10.8955     16.0486  
##      4    3   0.6579     2.0509       -4.7220      6.0378  
##      4    4  -2.7684     1.2410       -6.0238      0.4869  
##      4    5  -1.0860     1.8611       -5.9680      3.7960  
##      4    6  -6.8489     8.2446      -28.4761     14.7783  
##      4    7   0.5833     1.0872       -2.2687      3.4354  
##      5    2  -1.3000     0.7710       -3.3224      0.7224  
##      5    3  -0.8866     0.9598       -3.4043      1.6311  
##      5    4  -0.2742     0.6540       -1.9898      1.4414  
##      5    5  -0.3118     0.8957       -2.6613      2.0377  
##      5    6  -3.4286     3.4714      -12.5348      5.6777  
##      5    7   0.5222     0.6690       -1.2327      2.2771  
##      6    2  -5.3800     2.6992      -12.4606      1.7006  
##      6    3  -7.5206     8.0760      -28.7055     13.6643  
##      6    4   4.8333     5.2688       -8.9878     18.6545  
##      6    5   6.3242     5.4700       -8.0247     20.6731  
##      6    6  -6.2527     2.7701      -13.5191      1.0136  
##      6    7  -2.3222     1.0107       -4.9736      0.3291  
##      7    2  -1.2871     0.7614       -3.2845      0.7103  
##      7    3   0.1327     0.6607       -1.6005      1.8658  
##      7    4  -1.7872     0.5631       -3.2644     -0.3101 *
##      7    5   1.7065     0.4957        0.4062      3.0069 *
##      7    6  -2.2778     0.6351       -3.9439     -0.6117 *
##      7    7   0.9556     0.5356       -0.4493      2.3605  
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## P-value for pre-test of parallel trends assumption:  0
## Control Group:  ,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Doubly Robust
  • 単純平均効果
fit |> 
  aggte(type = "simple") |> 
## Call:
## aggte(MP = fit, type = "simple")
## Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna.  "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <>, <> 
##      ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.] 
##  -1.9877        1.1326    -4.2077      0.2322 
## ---
## Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
## Control Group:  ,  Anticipation Periods:  0
## Estimation Method:  Doubly Robust
  • 動学効果
fit |> 
  aggte(type = "dynamic") |> 


Callaway, Brantly, and Pedro HC Sant’Anna. 2020. “Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.” Journal of Econometrics.